Trafford Children & Young People

TDAS offer both intervention support services and prevention and educational services to children and young people who have been subject to or who are at risk of domestic abuse.
We offer a range of services that support children and young people who have been exposed to domestic abuse or who are in their own unhealthy relationship. We provide educational programmes to prevent children and young people entering into abusive relationships. We also provide tailored support for the children and young people living in our accommodation.
TDAS have both one-to-one and group-based programmes that offer emotional support and education around domestic abuse and its impacts.
RSpace© and Speak Out Speak Now© are TDAS programmes written by domestic abuse specialists in consultation with children and young people.
TDAS provide child focussed 1-2-1 support to young people who have experienced domestic abuse or are experiencing intimidate partner abuse. 6-8 sessions (more can be offered if required). Held in a safe space usually school. Topics covered including safety, consent and emotions.
We provide support around:
What is Domestic Abuse
What are healthy and unhealthy relationships
Identifying and recognising emotions
Developing coping strategies for anger, worry and sadness.
Completing safety planning
Identifying support networks around the child
Exploring self-esteem and self confidence
How DA can impact family relationships
Changes within families, such as a new home, divorce, or parental separation
RSpace© is a 6 week group programme offered to children/young people aged 5-14. Young people are grouped by age and offered age appropriate content. For children/young people who have witnessed domestic abuse. Topics covered include what is domestic abuse, anger and safety.
Topics covered in the programme include:
Family and relationships
Self esteem
Hopes and wishes
Safety planning
R’SPACE groups are held at various locations across the borough. You will be added to the group closest to where you live.
Support for non-abusive parent and child/ren (up to the age of 16) to rebuild their relationship after domestic abuse. Combination of 121 sessions with parent and child and family support sessions.
Our team of children and family workers offer emotional, practical and resettlement support to all of our families residing in our refuge accommodation. They welcome families, provide play and family sessions, provide one-to-one support for children and deliver parenting and group programmes.
The children and young people workers help families source school and nursery places and resettle into their new community. During summer and half terms our team of workers plan lots of fun trips and activities!
Families also have the opportunity to access weekly art therapy sessions
6 week programme aimed at educating young people about attitudes and beliefs surrounding young men in society eg gender stereotypes sexism and misogyny
TDAS provide workshops to help young people understand abuse and to build their own healthy relationships.
Offered at a 3 tiered affiliation:
Bronze - TDAS short films and teacher training
Silver - TDAS short films, healthy relationship workshop and teacher training
Gold - TDAS short films, healthy relationship workshop, teacher training and developing a domestic abuse policy with support from TDAS