My Rights
We believe that a person has these rights. Consider if are your rights being respected.
To NOT be abused
To choose to change my situation
To leave an abusive environment, at any time
To be free from the fear of abuse
To request and expect assistance from police or social agencies
To share my feelings and not be isolated from others
To want better for myself and my children
To ask for what I want
To refuse requests or demands I don't want to or can't meet
To express all my thoughts and/or feelings whether positive or negative
To change my mind at any time for any reason or no reason
To make mistakes and not have to be perfect
To follow my own values and standards
To say "no" to anything when I don't want to do or if I feel I am not ready
To determine my own priorities
To not be responsible for other peoples behaviour, actions, feelings or problems
To expect honesty from others
To be angry at someone I love
To be uniquely myself
To feel scared and say “I’m afraid.”
To say “I don’t know.”
To not give excuses or reasons for my behaviour
To make decisions based on my own feelings/rationale
To my own needs for personal space and time
To be playful and frivolous
To be healthier than those around me
To be in a non-abusive environment
To make friends and be comfortable around other people
To change and grow
To have my needs and wants respected by others
To be treated with dignity and respect.
To be happy