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Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse affects 1 in 6 men in their lifetime - you are not alone. 

At TDAS we offer a number of services for men who are experiencing domestic abuse:

  • Support Line

  • Domestic Abuse Surgery

  • Community Outreach

  • Accommodation

  • One-to-one True Colours


We understand that because you are male, you may be worried that no one will believe you and that no one will take your fears seriously. 

Research into the domestic abuse of men is relatively new and much is still to be learnt.  What everyone is clear about however, is that domestic abuse happens to males, that it is unacceptable in any form and that every individual has a right to live their life free from abuse. 

Domestic abuse takes place within an intimate relationship - it is a pattern of bullying and controlling behaviour.  Domestic abuse can affect men in heterosexual or same-sex relationships.  It can also take place between family members.  Domestic abuse is rarely a one-off event.  Physical and sexual abuse tends to get more severe and happen more often over time.  If you are forced to alter your behaviour because you are frightened of your partner's reactions, it is likely you are being abused. 


People experiencing domestic abuse are not to blame.  Violence and abuse is a choice the abuser makes.  The abuser is 100% responsible for their behaviour.

If your partner...

  • humiliates you

  • calls you names

  • threatens you with violence or abuse 

Or you...

  • change your behaviour or your appearance so your partner doesn't get angry

  • feel scared, anxious or like you are 'walking on eggshells'

  • cut yourself off from your friends or family to please your partner

Then you may be experiencing domestic abuse. 



Our Domestic Abuse Advisors will listen to you without judging you and look at ways of helping you, offering you information, advice and support. 


Confidentiality is a really important part of our service. The content of support sessions is confidential to the service as a whole, with some exceptions. The exceptions being: if someone discloses to us that a child or young person is at risk of serious harm or that they intend to harm themselves or another person, or if there is criminal activity involved. We may need to share this information with other professionals.  We will always try to gain consent to share this information, as we only share if we feel that not doing so will cause further harm. 

If we cannot gain consent we may decide to break confidentiality.  This is not an easy decision, and not something we ever do lightly.  Trust is a very important part of our work and our confidentiality policy will be explained to everyone we work with.

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